
New Zealand Gold medallists are being presented with a black t-shirt with a single message. Sir Ed said it best the t-shirt reads.

The message refers to Sir Eds famous quip to expedition leader George Hunt on his return from the summit of Mt Everest in 1953.

Well George, he said, We knocked the *&^%$#@ off.

This single phrase has entered into New Zealand lexicon and neither Ali Shanks nor Valerie Adams needed any prompting to get to the bottom of the slogan.

Its awesome, said Valerie. But why couldnt we go with the original phrase, she laughed.

Shanks received hers last night as part of a team celebration at the Delhi residence for the athletes that had won over the past two days.

This is the second such team celebration and the yellow po, or gateway, that stand guard outside tower 9 is filling with athletes signatures as a new team tradition takes shape.

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